In today’s post I want to share some of my findings after playing a bit with garage door openers and wireless sensors operating in the 433MHz radio band. These kind of remotes are sometimes also referred to as fixed code remotes because the messages they send are fixed, but more […]
How to fix a haywire PS3 Remote.
Original PS3 remotes are scares nowadays and seeing that the PS3 is now almost 15 years old and Sony has stopped manufacturing them for a while now. Chances are that you might have an old PS3 remote that is not functioning as it should, or might be completely haywire (without […]
Going Bare Metal on the ATTiny85
Whenever I reach for the ATTiny85 I usually just use Arduino to program it, meaning the Arduino IDE and libraries. But the other day I was glancing over its datasheet and realized again how relatively simple this microcontroller is. So how hard could it be to shave off some layers […]
Building a physical Microsoft Teams (or Zoom or Skype) mute button
While working from home I, like millions of others, am stuck in constant conference calls. After almost a year you would think that we all would have this under control. But no, not a chance. It takes only four simple words halfway through a lengthy explanation to remind us we […]
Running Arduboy on an Arduino Nano
A couple of months back I stumbled upon Arduboy, a mini handheld game console which draws inspiration from the original Gameboy by Nintendo. As you can deduce from its name it is powered by Arduino. What this means is that it uses an Arduino compatible chip (the ATMega32u4) and can […]
How to access a database from an App
In the previous post, Writing an Android application – investigating Xamarin Forms, I looked at how to get a basic Android application running on my phone. Most applications’ purpose are to represent data to the user in some way and in most cases this data is stored in a database. This […]
Writing an Android application – investigating Xamarin Forms
Introduction How do you go about writing your first application for Android or iOS? I had the same question and set about finding out. Having briefly experimented with Android Studio back in the early 2010s, I knew I wanted everything to be as simple as possible, no fiddling about for […]
Where is the centre of gravity of a self-balancing robot?
This is part of a series of posts covering the development of a self-balancing robot: Modelling an inverted pendulum Building a self-balancing robot This post The mathematical model of an inverter pendulum previously developed for the self-balancing robot, needs three parameters to accurately represent reality. These are Weight of the […]
Nikon D780 review – The last of the prosumer DSRLs?
Introduction Looking for a professional review of the Nikon D780? Want to know how much noise to expect at ISO 51200? Need an in-depth synopsis of the new features carried over from the Nikon Z6? Well, then you are looking at the wrong page, sorry. If you are however looking […]
How to contruct a self-balancing robot
This is part of a series of posts covering the development of a self-balancing robot: Modelling an inverted pendulum This post Dertermining the centre of gravity for a self-balancing robot Previously we investigated how to model an inverted pendulum. It is now time to go ahead and build the […]
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