Using Fixed Code Remotes with Arduino

In today’s post I want to share some of my findings after playing a bit with garage door openers and wireless sensors operating in the 433MHz radio band. These kind of remotes are sometimes also referred to as fixed code remotes because the messages they send are fixed, but more […]

How to fix a haywire PS3 Remote.

Original PS3 remotes are scares nowadays and seeing that the PS3 is now almost 15 years old and Sony has stopped manufacturing them for a while now. Chances are that you might have an old PS3 remote that is not functioning as it should, or might be completely haywire (without […]

Going Bare Metal on the ATTiny85

Whenever I reach for the ATTiny85 I usually just use Arduino to program it, meaning the Arduino IDE and libraries. But the other day I was glancing over its datasheet and realized again how relatively simple this microcontroller is. So how hard could it be to shave off some layers […]


Running Arduboy on an Arduino Nano

A couple of months back I stumbled upon Arduboy, a mini handheld game console which draws inspiration from the original Gameboy by Nintendo. As you can deduce from its name it is powered by Arduino. What this means is that it uses an Arduino compatible chip (the ATMega32u4) and can […]

How to contruct a self-balancing robot

This is part of a series of posts covering the development of a self-balancing robot: Modelling an inverted pendulum This post Dertermining the centre of gravity for a self-balancing robot   Previously we investigated how to model an inverted pendulum. It is now time to go ahead and build the […]

Low cost STM32F3 board

If you are looking for a STM32F3 board for your next project it might just be worth your while to consider the SP Racing F3 board. In a previous post I discussed how you can program an old Naze32 flight controller board using Arduino. While writing it I also looked […]

Programming Naze32 with Arduino

The Naze32 is one of those iconic flight controller boards of the early days of FPV quads. It superseded the 8bit boards of the time and was the board to have. Fast forward to today, flight controller firmware has generally become much more complex with support for new features and […]

First steps with ROS

As with many other complex problems, we can often solve and handle robotic problems more effectively if we break them up into smaller pieces. One way to achieve this is by using ROS (Robot Operating System), which promotes a more distributed design approach. The basic idea is that we break […]

Blob detection and tracking

In an upcoming project I want to experiment with image recognition and have a balance robot track and follow a colored ball. As a prelude to that project and to learn more about what is involved in terms of the image processing I came up with a smaller sub project. […]