Going Bare Metal on the ATTiny85

Whenever I reach for the ATTiny85 I usually just use Arduino to program it, meaning the Arduino IDE and libraries. But the other day I was glancing over its datasheet and realized again how relatively simple this microcontroller is. So how hard could it be to shave off some layers […]


Running Arduboy on an Arduino Nano

A couple of months back I stumbled upon Arduboy, a mini handheld game console which draws inspiration from the original Gameboy by Nintendo. As you can deduce from its name it is powered by Arduino. What this means is that it uses an Arduino compatible chip (the ATMega32u4) and can […]

How to access a database from an App

In the previous post, Writing an Android application – investigating Xamarin Forms, I looked at how to get a basic Android application running on my phone. Most applications’ purpose are to represent data to the user in some way and in most cases this data is stored in a database. This […]

Blob detection and tracking

In an upcoming project I want to experiment with image recognition and have a balance robot track and follow a colored ball. As a prelude to that project and to learn more about what is involved in terms of the image processing I came up with a smaller sub project. […]

Creating an E-ink weather notification board

I love e-ink displays. Their ability to make something digital seem just a little bit analogue intrigues me and I just had to make anything that makes use of one. Like many, many other people on the internet that turned out to be a weather station. The initial aim, seeing […]

Basic RF Signal Generator

When you start to experiment with radio frequency circuits and projects one of the tools that is a must have is a RF signal generator. Sometimes you want to test the response of a filter and need to sweep through a range of frequencies or need to generate a carrier […]

Attitude estimation using IMU sensors

In this post I want to talk a bit about the use of accelerometer and gyroscope sensors to perform attitude (roll, pitch and yaw) estimations. Systems that perform these kind of tasks are often referred to as AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) and is commonly used where it is […]

Spanwerk en bronbeheer met Bitbucket

Projek 3 is om saam te werk. Vir daardie doel is bronbeheer nodig waartoe almal toegang het. Bitbucket bied die antwoord. Bitbucket Wat is Bitbucket? Bitbucket is ‘n diens vir “cloud” bronbeheer. In plaas van self ‘n toegewyde bediener vir bronbeheer te skep gebruik jy Bitbucket as jou bediener. Dit maak […]

Hoe om ‘n makefile te skryf

Wat is ‘n makefile en waarom sal jy een wil maak? Goeie vraag, maar voor ons begin weet dat ek moontlik niks meer as jy weet en hierdie inskrywing net die stappe meld wat ek geneem het om ‘n projek in beide Windows en Linux saam te stel. Wat is […]