During the last couple of months I have started using my Blue Pill boards more often for even the smallest of projects and tests. When using them with STM32duino in the Arduino IDE they are just as easy to program as a normal Arduino UNO. In a previous post I […]

Author: Jan
High Voltage Arduino Pins
Maybe you have also looked at some Arduino circuits posted online and noticed an interesting way in how some circuits handle high input pin voltages. With high I mean anything above the typical Vcc + 0.5 rating given in the ATMega328p datasheet. Lets look at an example, in a previous […]
Multi-protocol Module for RC Models
A couple of weeks ago I was searching for a cheap brushed flight controller, for a mini quad project, and stumbled upon the Beecore Lite. At 26mm x 26mm this little guy featured a STM32F030 MCU with MPU6050 IMU and a built in RC radio receiver. All this for less […]
Basic RF Signal Generator
When you start to experiment with radio frequency circuits and projects one of the tools that is a must have is a RF signal generator. Sometimes you want to test the response of a filter and need to sweep through a range of frequencies or need to generate a carrier […]
FPV Racer Build
In recent years the FPV (First Person View) drone racing industry has grown tremendously with tournaments around the world offering up to one million dollars to the fastest pilot! The widespread interest has flooded the market with low cost components that is of decent quality, making it easier and cheaper […]
Attitude estimation using IMU sensors
In this post I want to talk a bit about the use of accelerometer and gyroscope sensors to perform attitude (roll, pitch and yaw) estimations. Systems that perform these kind of tasks are often referred to as AHRS (Attitude and Heading Reference System) and is commonly used where it is […]
Getting started with STM32F1
If you are like me, you often find yourself opening some electronic device to see what makes it tick and maybe discover some new magic part. Recently this was the case with some new parts that I bought for my FPV drone and could not help noticing how many of […]
“A drone is born” – Deel 1
10 February 2011 het ek 4 motors, 4 elektroniese spoed beheerders (ESC’s) en ‘n paar ander los komponente gekoop. Baie opgewonde oor die vooruitsig om vir my ‘n hommeltuig van die grond af op te bou, op daardie stadium het ons nog helikopters in LS gebruik en ‘n hommeltuig was […]
Die groter prentjie
Die laaste paar maande het ek heelwat tyd spandeer om kleiner en kleiner elektroniese komponente te probeer soldeer. In vandag se dae is dit beter om oppervlak-komponente te gebruik, selfs vir jou projekte by die huis. Hulle is goedkoper as “through hole” komponente en dit is ook heelwat makliker om […]
ESP8266 Resensie
Oorsig In my soektog na n manier om n sub 1GHz tranceiver te bridge met n WLAN het ek op hierdie bitter cool chip afgekom. Het toe twee modules vir amper niks (€10 met aflewering) op ebay bestel om dit bietjie te toets en gedink ek deel my bevindinge met […]
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